Healthy Mouth…Healthy Life

6 min read

Dental crowns, restoring damaged teeth at Re:Nu Dental & Medispa, Notting Hill

Every part of our body is as important as the other. Without us realizing our Oral health, our teeth play a pivotal role in our daily lives.

These are 5 reasons why we must maintain a Healthy Mouth to have a healthy, happy and long life.

  1. Power of Smile – Did you know when you smile, you triggered your brain to think that you are happy? The cheapest and effortless thing to do to have a happy and positive day start with a Smile. When you wake up in the morning give yourself a big smile. Share your beautiful Smile with others, say Hello! Good morning! to your Family, Bus Driver, co-workers, give them your happy, sincere and positive SMILE, it is contagious…try it! You might end the war.

Share your smile with the world. It’s a symbol of friendship and peace.

— Christie Brinkley

  1. Good Digestion – The first step of digestion starts in our mouth with our teeth, tongue, and saliva working together. Adult humans normally have 32 sets of teeth which plays different functions from biting, cutting, chewing and grinding. It is also said that we must chew every bite of food a minimum of 32 times before swallowing to prevent bloating and indigestion. And by doing so, we helped our digestive organs not to overwork in dissolving chunks of food and extract more nutrients from our food. In contrast, poor Oral health can lead to gastrointestinal disorders such as Acid Reflux, Bowel Disorder and Peptic Ulcers, among others. I remember what my Lola (Granny) used to say to us…. “Eat slowly…chew your food” I thought she was just micromanaging us, now I know, it has scientific basis.


  1. Healthy Gums – Healthy gingiva (gum) is ‘salmon’ or ‘coral pink’ in colour. Our gingiva is firm and securely attached on our teeth and jaw.  With healthy gum we reduce our risk of heart disease, cancer, and dementia. Recent research from Neurologist shows that 70 percent of people with healthy gums are less likely to acquire Alzheimer’s disease compared to those who have endured gum disease for a long period of time.

Symptoms of gum disease include: (from

  •   your gums bleeding when you brush your teeth, floss or eat hard foods such as apples
  •   your gums becoming swollen, red and sore 

Gum disease can lead to:

  •   bad breath and a bad taste in the mouth
  •   your gums shrinking
  •   your teeth becoming loose or falling out

It is advisable to contact our team at RE:NU for an appointment if any of the above affect you.

  1. Pregnancy and Babies Health – due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, pregnant women most likely to developed gingivitis. Gingivitis is the inflammation of the gingiva (gum). Studies show that Pregnancy Gingivitis if left untreated, can lead to Periodontitis (a severe form of Gum disease cause by bacteria, it is an inflammation of the tissue around the teeth, often causing shrinkage of the gums and loosening of the teeth)  can cause preeclampsia, premature birth, and low-birth weight babies.
  1. Appearance and Confidence – Food, drinks (such as coffee, tea and wine) and bad hobbits (smoking and alcohol) can cause bad breath and teeth staining which will affect our self-esteem and appearance. Unattractive smile can make us less confident and takes a toll in our social and personal life, specially when we are bombarded with beautiful almost perfect personalities in social media. In contrast, when we have good teeth, we can smile confidently, and it can raise our self-esteem and we feel good about ourselves. I had a patient before who haven’t smile in Photos for ages because of a dark spot on her front teeth. When she laughs, she covers her mouth. Then finally she had the courage to go the dentist and with simple restorative and inexpensive dental procedure, now she can show her beautiful, bright, happy smile. That’s the reason why I love my profession…its life changing.

A Healthy life starts with healthy mouth. Regular for check-up and cleaning with Dentist and hygienist can make a significant difference in your life in a long run.

If you would like to book an appointment please don’t hesitate to contact our team at RE:NU

Below are few of the many reasons why it is crucial and beneficial to have regular check-ups:

  1. Catch it before it becomes a problem

At a dental examination, your dentist will assess the entirety of your mouth, and will be able to determine how healthy it is. Taking X-rays to see potential problems that are not visible to the naked eye or being aware of issues such as gum disease, decay under enamel, cancer, infections, or any other dental health problem that will help prevent problems for you in the future. We all know prevention is better than cure and early diagnosis is key to maintain this.

  1. Learn the right way 

 During your dental check-up and visit with the hygienist, they will educate you on how to better care for your oral health. Teaching you how to brush, floss, and properly rinse your mouth, teeth, gums, and tongue, will eventually save you trips to the dentist.

  1. Save money!

 The more frequently you visit your dentist, the less money you will pay! If you spot a problem, don’t wait! Book an appointment as soon as possible to prevent you from having longer, more expensive visits down the line. After all, dentistry isn’t expensive – dental neglect is!

If you’re in need of a check-up we’d be happy to assist you. If you just moved to the area or looking for a recommended dentist?  Check out our Google reviews for yourself! 

Re:Nu Dental and Medispa:  We are an award winning private dental and aesthetic practice located in Notting Hill near Bayswater and Westbourne Grove. We are welcoming patients of all ages. Our state of art practice offers the highest standard of care tailor made for every individual need. Awarded by Clinical Dentistry Awards as Best Facial Aesthetic Practise in UK South 2022.

Re:Nu, the best version of you.

Please call our practice today on +44 (0)2081674185 OR email to arrange an appointment.


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