Tooth Fillings

Tooth fillings are a vital and frequently performed dental treatment aimed at restoring teeth damaged by tooth decay. These composite fillings play a crucial role in preventing the necessity for tooth extraction, which may become necessary if the issue is not promptly addressed. Our skilled dentists at Re:Nu Dental & Medispa in Notting Hill perform this procedure with precision and care, ensuring your oral health is preserved for a confident smile.

What happens during treatment for tooth fillings?

Your dentist here at Re Nu Dental & Medispa will remove the decay from the area in question and deep clean it. The tooth will then be filled using a composite filling. Patients can choose to get white (composite) fillings, an aesthetic type of filling that blends in with your smile.

Why have a filling to tackle tooth decay?

  • Protect your tooth from further infection
  • Reduce the chance of an extraction down the line
  • Fortify a damaged, chipped, injured or broken tooth with a long-lasting tooth filling

How much does a tooth filling cost?

The price of tooth filling treatments can be found in our fee list.

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